
The thoughts, opinions, happenings, and just plain ramblings of a seemingly boring person.

2006: Year In Review

It's that time of year again kids! To the unitiated, this is the entry where I review my year and pick out the highlights of my own blog entries.

I said in last year's review that 2005 was a year of many 'lasts', and as predicted in my New Year's entry this year, 2006 has definitely been a year of many 'firsts'. Marriage and moving out are the big ones, but there are other highlights. Enjoy.


- New Years: The start of the year, most notable for my awesome New Year's resolution
- 300 Entries!: A notable … Read more →

Weathering the Holidays & Culture

This weather is awesome. Absolutely positively, magically, fantastically awesome.

Following the usual steamy Christmas day, after the rain rolled in, the mercury in Brisbane hasn't even come close to topping 30 degrees. As you can tell, i'm loving it. I hate heat and I hate summer, and this holiday has to be one of the most meteorologically comfortable Christmas breaks I can remember.

The past few days have seen me mainly playing the Nintendo. After about 24 solid hours of gameplay i'm still only half way through Zelda. It's a massive game.

Yesterday we had planned to to go 4-wheel … Read more →

I, Robot Will Play Games and Watch TV

I, RobotI've just finished watching I, Robot on DVD. After seeing it over two years ago, it has actually become one of my favourite movies. I know it isn't exactly faithful to the works by Isaac Asimov, and there are a lot of product placements in the movie, but I really enjoyed it and I encourage all to see it if you haven't already.

Today has been spent doing nothing much really. I got up and played Wii Tennis with Despina a few times, achieving 'Pro' status the process. After that I continued playing Zelda for a while. Today my sister … Read more →

Christmas Day 2006

Today, of course, is Christmas. A big 'Merry Christmas!' to everybody!

Honestly for myself today doesn't really feel like Christmas. I dunno, it's probably tied into the fact that this is our first Christmas after getting married, which also means that this is the first Christmas not spent at my former home or at least totally with my parents.

This morning we went to Church to the later 8am English Liturgy, there being much less people than I expected. Either everybody went to the earlier Greek one to satisfy impatient youngsters, or attendance was seriously down this year.

This year … Read more →

Wii On the Internet & The Last day of Work

The Legend of ZeldaI promise that this will be my last entry for a while on how great the Wii is. Today Nintendo released for download a web browser based on Opera for the Nintendo Wii.

As Michael has commented in the previous entry, this allows browsing of the internet through the console on the TV. It's a little tedious having to type using a point-and-click on-screen keyboard, but once you have your regular sites in the favourites you shouldn't really need to do it all that much.

I also recently received an early Christmas present of The Legend of Zelda: Twilight PrincessRead more →

My Own “The Streak”

I've noticed it now a few times on TV shows: characters bragging about having gone a lengthy time without vomiting (which usually leads to them somehow ending their run). One of the few that immediately comes to mind is the Seinfeld episode in which a cookie ends Jerry's non-vomit streak, and also more recently in How I Met Your Mother with Ted proudly boasting that he was "vomit-free since '93", which also turned out to have ended in the course of the episode.

If i may say so myself, I am quite proudly also in the middle of my very … Read more →

This Weekend: Sports and Virtual Console

Did you notice? I actually refused an opportunity to put 'Wii' into the title! Quite proud of myself really...

As you've probably guessed from the last entry, i've spent a fair part of the weekend playing the thing. My arms and even my legs are quite sore from swinging the remotes and moving around on my feet.

However there's only so much Wii Sports and Wii Play that you can take before you start hungering for a more proper standalone game. I'll probably wait till after Christmas to get one though, in order see how many gift vouchers I … Read more →

I Wiid Myself

Me with my WiiSo many titles to chose from:! 'Welcome to the Wiikend', 'There's Wii on the Floor', etc etc.

As you can probably tell, today I caved into the marketing and hype and actually bought myself a Nintendo Wii (pictured). What was the main catalyst in the breaking of my weak resistance? Today was the work Christmas party at lunch, and we were given Christmas bonuses in the form of Coles Myer gift cards, which were larger than I expected.

This subsequently pushed the Wii into the 'probably affordable' range, and truthfully, I don't know what else I would have used those … Read more →

Fighting the Urge to Wii: N64 Resurrected

Another awesome title from me! *dodges the rotten tomatoes and rubbish thrown at me*

As i've blogged before, it's been tough resisting the temptation to buy a Nintendo Wii. The internet stories saying how great it is has been pushing me to my limits. Rolando even managed to convince my wife (formerly the bastion of resistance and my main cause of not getting one, second to the fact that we can't afford it of course), that it was actually really great and now she subsequently wants to get one also.

Today my friend at work Michael cracked before I … Read more →

My First Parking Ticket

Parking TicketI've been driving for almost seven years now, and I have not had one single traffic related offence against my name. Up until Friday that is.

Yes I got a parking ticket, the top of it pictured right. I had been parking in the same place for three weeks (which was sorta on the footpath of a backstreet that nobody uses) without getting booked so I thought that nobody cared, but on Friday they did. Fifty bucks for a parking ticket? Council must be raking it in over the city.

Anywho, this entry is capping off another pretty busy weekend. … Read more →