I know, i know, terrible title, but i thought I might as well make my own contribution to the really terrible play on words floating around the internet and the press.
Guess what just came out? Yes, the Nintendo Wii was released in Australia today. I have to be honest and say that I am resisting every temptation to buy this thing. Thankfully the Mrs reminds me of what will happen to me if i don't.
I know that eventually i will end up getting one, but i think i'm willing to wait until the first 'revision' of the console before I do. Firstly, a DVD playing version is on the horizon, and a big turn-off is that the controllers are powered by plain old AAs. I think it's only a matter of time before they revise it and put a rechargeable lithium battery in there, and i don't know why it isn't that way in the first place.
Anywho, nothing really much has happened in the past few days. Played futsal tonight and lost 5-3, mainly because we only had 4 players and they had one extra player than they should have (6 in all) for most of the match.
Wii would like to play, and Wii are playing indeed.
How is it playing? Have you broken your TV yet? hehe
Wii are not amused.
It is my life mission to play the wii while I wee.