I've been driving for almost seven years now, and I have not had one single traffic related offence against my name. Up until Friday that is.
Yes I got a parking ticket, the top of it pictured right. I had been parking in the same place for three weeks (which was sorta on the footpath of a backstreet that nobody uses) without getting booked so I thought that nobody cared, but on Friday they did. Fifty bucks for a parking ticket? Council must be raking it in over the city.
Anywho, this entry is capping off another pretty busy weekend. Sataurday was the usual cleaning and washing, interrupted by my parents bringing over and us assembling our Christmas present: a barbecue.
I'm really the opposite of the typical red-blooded Australian male: I'm not really the cooking type, and therefore don't like to BBQ. So this present is really more for my wife (who really loves BBQed food) than for me. In fact it's actually really bad for me, because it means that I'll probably have to cook said food for her.
Today, after doing some remedial Christmas shopping we drove all the way to Kingston for a BBQ lunch, and then I played indoor.
lol (@bbq para)
what is a sataur?
and when is sataur-day, did i miss it again? damn it!!!
hehe well spotted. Possibly a relation to the Sataurus, satauring all the people in the thatched roof cottages!