
The thoughts, opinions, happenings, and just plain ramblings of a seemingly boring person.

I, Robot Will Play Games and Watch TV

I, RobotI've just finished watching I, Robot on DVD. After seeing it over two years ago, it has actually become one of my favourite movies. I know it isn't exactly faithful to the works by Isaac Asimov, and there are a lot of product placements in the movie, but I really enjoyed it and I encourage all to see it if you haven't already.

Today has been spent doing nothing much really. I got up and played Wii Tennis with Despina a few times, achieving 'Pro' status the process. After that I continued playing Zelda for a while. Today my sister also came over and played the Wii, and tonight we went over my parent's place for a dinner with my brother's future in-laws' family.

After really not accomplishing anything productive today, i'm now thinking how almost all holidays always turn out like that for me. I seem to always plan a list of useful and mostly 'necessary' or 'preferable' things that I would like to get done on the holidays, but at the end of them I hardly seem to accomplish any.

Not that lazing around and not doing much is a bad use of a holiday, just that in addition to doing that there are a few things that I would like to accomplish.

This holidays I also want to get back into reading. I really haven't read anything significant for while, and I want to get stuck into a few books that i've purchased from the Church bookstore which Andrew has done a fantastic job of kick-starting.

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