
The thoughts, opinions, happenings, and just plain ramblings of a seemingly boring person.

Am I a Logitech Fanboy? New Mouse & X-Men

Logitech G9xIn the past few weeks the middle-click button on my trusty Logitech MX 400 mouse that I got about five years ago was starting to play up. This is especially concerning as the middle mouse button is what I use as melee-knifing in BC2, and the last thing you want in close quarters knife-combat in BC2 is to have an unreliable mouse button for that action.

The MX400 is a great mouse, and a five-year tour of duty is nothing to baulk at, but the time had come for a replacement. Of course five years has seen the MX400 go … Read more →

Movies & PSN Freebies

Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger TidesNow that I have a little more spare time and i'm not feeling too bad, we've started going out to the movies regularly again.

Last week we saw Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides. It was decent without being that good. It was definitely a whole lot better than the atrocious 2nd and 3rd movies, but it wasn't that great. I'm not saying it was bad, but it really wasn't that good either.

I think it fell victim again to the whole 'not explaining' thing: not explaining how Blackbeard has his weird powers, nor how the heck … Read more →

Getting On With It

I played indoor for the first time since the surgery last week and also today. I spent both matches goal-keeping throughout, and one thing I seem to be making a habit of in all my matches goalkeeping is turning the ball back into our own goal.

They aren't own-goals per-se (they are more deflections), but still incredibly frustrating. In today's incident, I made a good save, turning the ball onto the post, but the ball bounced back off the post and hit the arm that I saved the ball with and then went straight back into the goal :(. Very … Read more →

Crysis 2 & Surgery

Crysis 2 boxI know it's a few weeks late, but i've played through the next big gaming release of the year: Crysis 2. Overall i'd have to say i'm a bit disappointed.

Although the visuals of the game were pretty amazing, they didn't really have the same 'wow' effect that the first game did about 4 years ago.

The plot in the game was also pretty pathetic. They barely made any reference to the storyline of the first game (which ended without much closure at all), rather just sweeping it under the rug hoping that no-one would really notice, and changing … Read more →

Inspections, de Blob 2, Tests

de Blob 2It's been a hectic few weeks. The past two weeks has seen our first set of real-estate inspections for the unit. Part of me is hoping it'll sell quickly, and the other part hopes it won't happen too soon. I can't say i'm looking forward to moving properly to the other house.

Last week also saw me go to hospital for another ERCP. The procedure went ok, but the initial results don't sound too promising; i'll wait until seeing the Doctors properly before getting too much into it. Nevertheless, prayers for me are still very much appreciated.

The past few … Read more →

Cyclones, LBP2, Birthdays

Cyclone Yasi satellite shotAs if devastating flooding wasn't enough for mother nature to unleash on this state already this year, last week north Queensland copped the brunt of Yasi, one of the largest cyclones to hit this country in recorded history.

The upside was that it looks like the only casualty from the cyclone was an unfortunate man who suffocated whilst using a petrol-powered generator indoors (unfortunate, but probably a Darwin Award nominee :S).

This past week i got Little Big Planet 2 on the PS3. What is note-worthy about me playing through this game is that I did it entirely co-op … Read more →

Tron Legacy & Mass Effect

Today was the last day before I go back to work tomorrow, and i've taken advantage of the past few days to relax before the fun of migrating the entire office server infrastructure to a dedicated data centre begins.

Mass EffectI felt like playing through an RPG, and probably one of the biggest RPGs that I haven't touched at all in recent years has been the Mass Effect series. The first Mass Effect game was only $15 on Steam, so i finally decided to get it and see what all the fuss was about.

I just finished the game today, and … Read more →