
The thoughts, opinions, happenings, and just plain ramblings of a seemingly boring person.

My party

Last night I had my birthday party. Special thanks to everyone who came. It was a quite an enjoyable night with various 'interesting' occurances.

Photos here. (go through occasions etc)
In consideration for peoples privacy, you will need a username and password to see the parties photos, which should have been emailed to all friends and aquaintences. If you didn't get it, please email me and i'll send it to you.

I think the photos pretty much speak for themselves, so I'll keep this blog entry short. Enjoy!… Read more →

Happy Birthday To Me

Well today is my birthday. If i've done the maths right today i turn 21. Twenty one years ago at three minutes to twelve in the morning i came into this world. Yay. Nothing much planned for today, after all it is just another day!… Read more →

[Insert title here]

Played in the finals of futsal last night, and we went down 7-5 in the semis. They blitzed us 5-1 in the first half which ended up being our downfall, becuase we won the second half 4-2. We got it back to 6-5, but another goal killed us off. We brought along the digital camera in the hopes of taking some photos to put up on the site, but the battery went dead half way through the match.

Went bowling yesterday with Despina and my cousin up from Sydney, and did pretty crap. i Think i got an eighty-something and … Read more →


Interesting last few days, stayed up late on Saturday night which was a bad move considering i had to work at 7 on Sunday. Work was surprisingly alright, although i was totally screwed last night because of lack of sleep. When i don't get my 8 hours, I don't respond well, and i think I only had around 4. I went over Tim's place yesterday to pick up a few CD's (thanks a lot tim!), becuase i'm going to be setting up a new computer over the next few days.

As a result i shoudn't be too active anytime soon.… Read more →

The perfect storm

Well this afternoon was probably the worst storm i've seen. I was home by myself and it was absolutely vicious: it stated around 4:40 and was over before 5. Our outdoor timber blinds were completely ripped out, and little pieces of them went everywhere, two 1 meter high pots with soil and a tree in them were toplled over, and lightning struck probably less than 100m away (really loud!!!), and seems to have knocked out our phone, which is not working, our half-full (or half-empty?) garbage bin was relocated almost 5 metres, and we seem to have collected in our … Read more →

Gallery finished

Well i've finally finished installing the Gallery. Therefore the photos page is gone, and any links to it should be broken.

In my typical about-face style i changed my mind on which PHP gallery i was going to use, and decided rather to go with DAlbum.

Right now there is only one album in the gallery because i don't have many pictures, but Andrew and Tim will be pleased to know that their photos are in there. I considered the possibility of allowing people to automatically post their own photos to the gallery, but decided against it because … Read more →

More photos

Andrew sent me some photos as well, see them at the Photos page.

Looked around for a good php photo gallery. Decided on this one. I'll spend the next day or two installing and configuring it.

Played futsal tonight in the last round of the normal season, and lost pretty convincingly (can't remember the score) to the top team. We finished second to them. Finals start next week, and i'm not looking forward to playing these guys in the final (if we get there).… Read more →

Back to normal……(?)

Well it looks like everything has finally settled down after the server move (hopefully). If anyone posted anything that didn't show up, just let me know.

Well today is Australia Day, and today i would like to renew my opinion that Australia should become a Republic, and have our own head of state. I mean, really, other than then, lets say those passionately British, and the older people in our community that still have an affection and alleigence to Britain and the Queen, what have we got to lose? I recognise that it would change absolutely jack in the way … Read more →


Hey, not sure if this will actually work or not... Today my hosting company migrated all the accounts over to new servers, so everything with the site has been a bit mucked up. PHP not working, the admin panel saying that my disk usage jumping almost 200MB, the shoutbox and this blog alternately showing/not-showing new posts, etc, etc.

If there is anything screwy happening with the site (such shoutbox posts dissapearing or not showing), I would appreciate if someone could let me know.

Anyway, today played indoor soccer and lost again (2-3). After i got home a massive storm came … Read more →

Another addiction

Well, i've come into another phase of addiction, but this time its worse because i've actually spent money on it! My new addiction, or rather renewed addiction, is emulated games. I've now gotten myself hooked on the old Sonic the Hedgehog games (see pictures below). I'm using a Sega emulator called Gens.

So after i started playing Sonic (1,2, and 3), i came to the conclusion that playing the games on the keyboard was not good enough. So I went out and bought myself a joypad (just like a console controller, but for the computer). I bought the MS … Read more →