I was thinking it might be good to have a new annual entry at the end of each year which lists all my tweets for the year. My Twitter account hasn't been given access to the new backup/export/archive feature, so all the external links contained in the tweets below are Twitter's 't.co' URL shortened ones.
- Unfortunately I have have been moved over to the new @Gmail look π Twas good while it lasted classic look! Jan 04, 2012
- @LiaParadissis You can buy the 3D bluray and watch it over my place if you want π Jan 07, 2012
- @LiaParadissis Hopefully just another few weeks π Jan 07, 2012
- Summer has finally arrived π Now go away please and take your 35 degree days with you... Jan 09, 2012
- HENRY! Such a legend, 227 goals and counting!! Jan 10, 2012
- @MaryParadissis TT too. Just don't watch them, you'll be better off not watching that trash Jan 17, 2012
- Good to see support for the ridicoulous #SOPA laws in the US crumbling. Jan 17, 2012
- ewwww, almost stepped on a cane toad... Jan 17, 2012
- The Wikipedia blackout begins... Jan 18, 2012
- Piracy is not theft! They say it's 'theft' because it sounds a whole lot worse then 'unauthorised copying'... http://t.co/4a8TxhKV Jan 23, 2012
- Wow, I had no idea there isn't a wildcard search available in #Gmail... how dumb! Jan 28, 2012
- The one good thing about no daylight savings in QLD: that match finished at 1am instead of 2am #ausopen Jan 29, 2012
- Great way to start my birthday with a big Arsenal win, and a Henry Premier League goal to top it off too π Feb 04, 2012
- ARSENAL!!!! Take that spurs!!! Feb 26, 2012
- RvP is THE MAN!!! Pure class. Go the Gooners. Mar 03, 2012
- lols, probably not far from the truth for a lot of people http://t.co/6sAVtpjt Mar 05, 2012
- It's on like Alderaan! Mar 10, 2012
- wow, as a 'normal computer' OS, the Windows 8 Beta is *really* unintuitive. It better not stay like this... Mar 17, 2012
- My thoughts on the Windows 8 Beta Consumer Preview: http://t.co/oEj2vOq1 Mar 18, 2012
- http://t.co/s1GZVO4I Mar 24, 2012
- Trying out DD-WRT on my router... Mar 25, 2012
- Fantastic news!! http://t.co/IwexWN3l Mar 25, 2012
- Grrrrr Bioware!! You call those endings!? I want to feel satisfied finishing an epic game series like Mass Effect 3! So very sad... π Mar 31, 2012
- 21 Jump Street was a surprisingly hilarious movie. Funniest move i've seen all year. Apr 01, 2012
- haha, love it when politicians have a sense of humour http://t.co/LY9KajVP Apr 11, 2012
- This is exactly what people writing or talking about "wireless making the NBN redundant" need to understand. http://t.co/3pbwGNu2 #NBN Apr 13, 2012
- Sanity prevails: AFACT's appeal dismissd by the High Court. If only they were as committed to practically distributing their content legally Apr 20, 2012
- Words cannot describe my total utter frustration at everybody involved after witnessing that Arsenal game... >:( May 05, 2012
- The new #Arsenal kit? Yuuuuuuccccccckkkkk May 08, 2012
- Watching through Mad Men at the moment, among the great music was this gem from season 4: http://t.co/c189mQFN May 09, 2012
- Looks like a cool webseries: VGHSEpisode 1 on http://t.co/KVVDZy5P May 12, 2012
- This. http://t.co/TIbAzJBE May 14, 2012
- From a wonderful composer, one of my favourite ever pieces (part of which formed our entrance music for our wedding): http://t.co/0NTYbQAS May 18, 2012
- Watching Community for the first time, and that Paintball episode was absolute pure 100% gold. May 20, 2012
- awwww yeeeeeaaah, tonight's geek themed party means I won't get too many weird looks stepping outside the house with a lightsaber. May 25, 2012
- Loving the interactive Eurovision stuff SBS is doing this year! May 27, 2012
- Wow Webber actually made a decent start from pole! May 27, 2012
- Whenever I do some coding, I can never wrap my head around regular expressions. This site is priceless: http://t.co/vJ5zwcNw Jun 01, 2012
- What's up with Facebook atm? First time I can remember it being painfully slow to use. IPO affecting it that much? Twitter is faster π Jun 01, 2012
- I totally love this show. One of my favourites now http://t.co/R5ChHiUU Jun 03, 2012
- Just watched all of Community for the first time. My life will never be the chang. #sixseasonsandamovie Jun 04, 2012
- Just watched Prometheus, it was very 'meh'. Visually great with decent perfomances, but the plot was well below average imo. Jun 08, 2012
- I've always been fascinated at hard drives, one of the great computing-technology achievements http://t.co/7GPDjwfE Jun 11, 2012
- Staying up to 4am every night watching the Euros is starting to take its toll, but i'm not missing France v. England tonight! #Euro2012 Jun 11, 2012
- Swiftkey is one of my favourite apps π http://t.co/mDucMS2B Jun 14, 2012
- I've finally done an overhaul/redesign of my website! Check out the new look @ http://t.co/dvU8kIzL ooooo shiny... Jun 15, 2012
- @LiaParadissis haha, thanks π Jun 15, 2012
- I'm really really enjoying VGHS. Such a great high-quality production, a must watch for anyone into games or cool internet stuff! #VGHS Jun 16, 2012
- Great result for Greece to beat the Russians! Pretty big upset there. #Euro2012 Jun 17, 2012
- Don't know why, but smooth-scrolling on big displays always makes my eyes go crazy. The Firefox 13 update turns this on by default. Jun 17, 2012
- hehe, people are calling the upcoming Germany vs. Greece quarter-final in the Euros the "Austerity Match" #Euro2012 Jun 18, 2012
- What's the point of MS basing Win8 development around tablet use, when the mass-market tablets will be running WinRT anyway? Jun 19, 2012
- As media companies announce their intentions to erect pay-walls, the more I'll be going here for my news needs instead http://t.co/WVTobANb Jun 20, 2012
- Great article: "The Sky Isn't Falling: Why Piracy Hasn't Impacted Sales" http://t.co/vOXLWNIK Jun 21, 2012
- This guy's my hero! http://t.co/f8yPnuDY Jun 22, 2012
- The Mass Effect 3 Extended Cut DLC will be released on the 26th of June. Getting ready for disappointment v1.5! Jun 23, 2012
- France totally woeful this morning, never looked interested in the game. Spain never needed to get going to beat them. #Euro2012 Jun 23, 2012
- Sneaky buggers: http://t.co/kuh7EqWD Jun 26, 2012
- No matter how much I try to give it a go, I simply can't bring myself to get into Skyrim. Fantasy games just don't do anything for me at all Jun 26, 2012
- My thoughts on the Mass Effect 3 Extended Cut endings: http://t.co/KC4hCtpy Jun 27, 2012
- Wow, this is bad, even by Telstra's standards: http://t.co/bp2Pwri0 Jun 27, 2012
- Meet the Pyro! I've waited 5 years for this! I absolutely ROFLed, so good, easily my favourite TF2 character http://t.co/zw9B4ImA #TF2 #Pyro Jun 28, 2012
- You know you've grown up when you are watching a lot of stuff on the ABC. Happy 80th birthday ABC! #abc80th Jul 01, 2012
- Spain just a class above the rest. 4-0 a rout over Italy. #Euro2012 Jul 01, 2012
- Nice try blues, we gave you the game a few times and you still couldn't take it. Try again next year! QUUEEENSSLAAAANNNDEEERRR! Jul 04, 2012
- Saw Ted tonight, fantastically funny movie. http://t.co/wsMRx8bt Jul 06, 2012
- Well done Mark Webber, great drive... Jul 08, 2012
- True, true: "May the Rock Be With You" http://t.co/s2qaH0N1 via @GraphJam Jul 12, 2012
- The people who have designed this season's Arsenal kits deserve be shot! So ugly... Jul 12, 2012
- Canβt we do this all on Wi-Fi? http://t.co/F95Wxhyu Jul 18, 2012
- State of Origin: Steam's summer sales show EA needs to work harder to convince consumers - http://t.co/s3zOLpGS Jul 18, 2012
- Apparently I'm not important enough to receive the 'death threat SMS' scam going around this morning... π Jul 23, 2012
- Fantastic ad. β₯ David Attenborough http://t.co/QLxKq0eW Jul 24, 2012
- Getting quite sick of Flash crashing in Firefox all the time. Come on Adobe, sort your crap out. >:( Jul 25, 2012
- This should be the ad for the NBN ((replace 'Google Fiber' with 'NBN Fibre' (and ignore the difference in speeds :P)). http://t.co/uQgYBXUE Jul 27, 2012
- Dark Night Rises; very meh imo. Although the voice for Bane was great. Jul 28, 2012
- I love watching the Handball at the Olympics! Jul 29, 2012
- You know Channel 9's Olympic coverage is dour when the Gruen Sweat on advertising is more interesting than watching 9's coverage itself... Aug 01, 2012
- Soooo, the CommBank T in "CAN'T" was right about Magnussen? I hope the C A and N apologise for bullying the T off the cliff... Aug 02, 2012
- haha http://t.co/HtDL4zEj Aug 11, 2012
- This will be interesting. Haven't played TF2 in yonks... http://t.co/MquAF4y2 Aug 13, 2012
- Another Arsenal sell-out walks out. I'd wish you well @Persie_Official, but nah. Nothing but another mercenary. Ca$hley, Na$ri, now RvPurse Aug 16, 2012
- Planetary Annihilation on @Kickstarter http://t.co/QMFSYpLv This is the first Kickstarter project I am financially supporting! TA FTW! Aug 17, 2012
- Eeeep, Google's new favicon is tripping me out.... Aug 21, 2012
- The new Total Recall was a surprisingly enjoyable movie. Kate Beckinsale was totally kick-ass. Aug 24, 2012
- This show should be good... http://t.co/eLoVB6be "Don't you get it, his name was Windu and he went out a window?!" hehe Aug 25, 2012
- awesome TF2 take on the HIMYM intro: http://t.co/uYJKSA4o Aug 25, 2012
- Hotkeys are fine for Power Users but are Mums and Dads going to figure out how to do the simple things they're used to? http://t.co/LxxAZJ0e Aug 28, 2012
- Started watching The Newsroom; 16 years of Law & Order to see Sam Waterston drop some profanity! He'll always be Jack McCoy to me though π Aug 30, 2012
- lol, love the Carlton Draught ads http://t.co/aVRWMKcK Aug 30, 2012
- UQ (University of Queensland) just let their primary domain expire! Quite unbelievable, oh and I have an IT degree from there :\\ Sep 01, 2012
- The Newsroom is a fantastic show, heart Sam Waterston, one of my favourite TV actors. Sep 05, 2012
- "Ubisoft to abandon always-on DRM for PC titles" http://t.co/7T5ZzzrL Sep 06, 2012
- Turns out Yoda isn't that great after all... http://t.co/Bb4bhNJ0 Nah, he really is π Sep 07, 2012
- @telltalegames Max for President! We want more Sam & Max games TellTale! Happy 25th Anniversary Sam & Max! #SamMax25 Sep 08, 2012
- Our rainwater tank just hit empty for the first time. That's a lot of toilet flushes since it last rained around here! Sep 12, 2012
- True, true... (except for Australia :P) http://t.co/1iugaX8W Sep 12, 2012
- Modern hackers gain access by hacking people, not computers: http://t.co/cl2O0E54 Sep 12, 2012
- lol, Gangnam Style was just on Newsline on ABC news #totallyviral Sep 13, 2012
- hehe http://t.co/36QycJDW It's everywhere... Sep 22, 2012
- Best statement of the day: "this weather is awesome; feels like summer except you're not needing to have a shower every 5 minutes" Sep 22, 2012
- First storms of the season and the BOM website is down :\\ Sep 24, 2012
- @MaryParadissis haha, yeah totally gold. Still can't believe he is a doctor! Sep 24, 2012
- @MaryParadissis Medicine! http://t.co/EHJR9eQz Sep 24, 2012
- So Channel 10's definition of 'fast-tracked' for airing Homeland is two weeks after it airs in the USA? Good luck with that... Oct 01, 2012
- A good summary of very real data retention concerns: http://t.co/C3xgC0Ha Oct 01, 2012
- Finally got around to updating the blog with our recent holiday! http://t.co/6DWEuntJ Nov 08, 2012
- Yay, managed to update my phone to ICS without bricking it π Nov 10, 2012
- Yay SSD! http://t.co/HPMxZAG9 Nov 17, 2012
- Arsenal! Great win over the old enemy! Nov 17, 2012
- Gamers have spoken!!: we want a decent PC-based space-sim!! http://t.co/wlP8cjAJ Nov 19, 2012
- Finally at least some A-League on FTA TV; better than nothing! RT "@FFA announces new broadcast arrangements. http://t.co/fJqadonm #ALeague" Nov 19, 2012
- haha, I knew there was a reason why I don't like cats... http://t.co/6vTD1Dtf Nov 27, 2012
- Had an awesome time gaming online (#BF3) for the first time in over a year last night. Nov 29, 2012
- Another reason to use @Swiftkey RT: "We've just launched support for Australian English and we're celebrating with a sale Down Under." Nov 29, 2012
- Just caught up on Season 7 of #Futurama, it's been a fantastic first half! Nov 30, 2012
- Pretty much agree with everything mentioned: "How Microsoft can save Windows and maintain its iron grip over IT" http://t.co/2GvE0oSU Dec 04, 2012
- PM: Flesh eating zombies a possibility for the end of the world (that or K-pop domination) http://t.co/iKJSaQrK Dec 06, 2012
- Disappointing. At least I have all my domains already set up...: http://t.co/QvLXvca8 Dec 08, 2012
- @MaryParadissis it can only be better than the crapola that was the last movie... Dec 12, 2012
- Good to see freddiew in there! http://t.co/MaX8KLhJ Dec 18, 2012
- Wreck-It Ralph was awesome. http://t.co/MFFqYVBR Dec 21, 2012
- Saw #LesMis today; they really need to release an instrumental/orchestral soundtrack! There's no decent purely orchestral scores out there! Dec 23, 2012