With a bit of my spare time lately i've decided that i'm going to back on a few of the games that I never actually finished for on reason or another and actually finish them.
I've always been the type of gamer that finishes games; i don't like not completing them unless it is an almost impossible task (mainly due to the difficulty). I don't see the point of spending money on something and not seeing it through to the end (a related aside is that i've never walked out on a movie).
So i finally finished off a few games and am continuing others.
Yesterday, the game of indoor was a good one. We were playing a team that we have played pretty often recently and have sort of a semi-rivalry going. We put in a very well-rounded performance, especially Peter, in beating them 9-4, which sees us enter the top four.
For us to make the finals in this division (we're now in the third division) would be quite an accomplishment this season. Hopefully we can keep the results going.