Day 29 of NaBloPoMo 2007
Okay, the title may be a little dramatic, but the deal that I got from JB Hi-Fi for pre-ordering Super Mario Galaxy is really good.
If you missed it, mainly prompted by the almost perfect reviews and tags thrown about which went along the lines of "best platformer ever made", last week i gave into temptation and pre-ordered the new Mario game for the Wii.
For an incentive to pre-order, JB Hi-Fi were offering a free strategy guide. It's not until i picked up the game today that i found out that the "strategy guide" turned out to be the official Prima hard-cover Collector's Edition game guide containing 350+ pages of full colour goodness.
For pre-ordering i got both the game and guide for only $79. After walking out with them and going to EB Games, EB were selling the game for $100* (* I rounded up from $99.88 :p), and the guide separately for $40. Pfff, rip-off merchants, i swear i only buy from them as a last resort.
So there's one more game to add to the list to be played. I don't think i'm going to get this one until the Christmas break, as i'm still playing through Crysis and UT3 is on the way.