
The thoughts, opinions, happenings, and just plain ramblings of a seemingly boring person.

This Should Be Interesting…

Let's start with something definitely not interesting: Saturday night's FA Cup final between Man Utd and Chelski. What a dour match. That has to rate up there as one of the most boring football matches that I have seen in my entire life.

Indoor on Sunday was pretty bad too: we lost 4-0 against a pretty good team. It's the first time that I can remember us playing a match and not scoring a goal.

Anywho, to the interesting parts. The past weekend around here was an oestrogen-free zone. Despina went down south for the weekend, which left me here by myself. After Church a few friends came over on Saturday night to play a bit of poker and watch the game. Understandably, most didn't last the extra-time distance, going home before the end of the sleep-inducing game.

As mentioned recently, our hot-water system was needing replacing. I took leave from work yesterday and arranged plumbers and electricians to come over and replace it as well as our garbage disposal.

Yesterday i also leant of news that honestly has troubled me a bit, and it also sucked to learn of it on my day off: my supervisor and the only other person working in the IT department that I work in (servicing more than 130 people across in offices the country), tendered his resignation.

It came as a surprise, and honestly, it has made me very uneasy, because truthfully he did most of the 'important' stuff around the organisation (he is the System Administrator), and I truly doubt whether I could do it myself as i lack both the knowledge and the experience.

Hopefully the recruitment process to find a replacement will be quick so that a handover between the administrators can take place without me trying to fill the gap for too long at all. Needless to say, there are some interesting times ahead.

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