Like last year, i'm finding it enormously hard to believe that I am already doing this entry again. In a way, it feels like the year has gone by in a flash, but in others, when one looks back at all that has happened over the past 12 months, then it does feel like a bit of time has actually passed.
Anywho, here we go:
- Pelvic Thrusts: UT3 Action: All the good gaming following on from the end of last year was awesome. Playing UT3 online at the start of the year was an extremely enjoyable highlight.
- Ready to Announce a Winner: Blu-ray: At this point I felt ready to call a winner on the HD disc format war, a few weeks later i would be proven to be right.
- To the Aus. Govt.: KEEP YOUR HANDS OF THE INTERNET!!: One of my finest rants of the year, and on a very important issue in the Australian geek world and population in general.
- Come and get ems!: A good site update if I say so myself.
- Cross Promotion: Stephania's Nails: Developing a site for my sister's business.
- Birthday Blogging & Speed of Life: My birthday and some interesting thoughts on the speed of life.
- It's Official: HD-DVD Goes the Way of the Betamax: The format war officially ends, later in the year would actually see me buy a Blu-ray player.
- Best. Summer. Ever: A meteorological review of the season.
- Why We Need R Rated Games: Another good rant, this one on the need for change in game classifications.
- Banks Are Criminals: A rant on the unfairness of banks and interest rates (which is kind of ironic considering the economic and interest rate situation now, barely 10 months later).
- It's been a while... & Pleasant Surprises: Pleasant surprises are always good.
- Liturgy By Candlelight: A very different liturgical experience.
- Champions: The Pattern Continues: Champions of indoor after a long drought.
- Easter 2008 & Collection: A highlight for an obvious reason, and photos of my Star Wars collection.
- New CAPTCHA For Comments: Another good blog update, and with plenty of comments 😉
- Study Bibles, Football: The complete Orthodox Study Bible is finally released.
- Trying to Get Into Team Fortress 2: Probably the defining moment of my mid-year gaming. Many hours were subsequently spent on TF2.
- Firefox 3 Arrives: One of the browser highlights of the year.
- In Vienna Football Won: Spain winning the Euros, and very deservedly so.
No highlights for this month!
- The Pattern Breaks: Champions Again: Champions again, twice in one year. It was a very successful year for us :).
- Charity Dinners & Bribie Festivals: Another big success for the Bribie Paniyiri.
- Google Releases It's Web Browser: Chrome: Big news in the online geek world, as well as my view.
- Flag Day: We Should Change the Australian Flag: Another good rant on an important issue.
- STFU LucasArts: More nonsensical ranting goodness.
Generally, the whole month of October was a highlight due to the European trip we went on. For a summary as well as links to the specific entries from the trip, see the following entry:
- European Trip: Explanation and Summary
- America Decides... (2008 ): The US election is always big news.
- Western Digital Are Awesome & Ankle Owies: One of my best purchases of the year, and more injuries.
- Blu-rays and Playstation 3s: Another big purchase and my foray into the next generation home-movie technology.
- Christmas 2008: It's Christmas!
- The Best and Worst of 2008: The critics review of the year
So ends another year. This year was quite all over the place in nearly all sections of my life. Lots has happened, but overall, nothing too drastic has changed.
I have a feeling that 2009 will be a lot different, with many changes coming. I hope you all have a good New Year's!