My patience has been tested in the past week, as i wait on eagerly anticipated responses on a few things that i can't really mention here.
Other than that, there really hasn't been much to blog about at all.
Last night we saw Tropic Thunder. I really enjoyed it, although it did meander at parts in the middle of the movie. Robert Downey Jr. was awesome, playing a multi-Oscar winning Australian actor playing a black army sergeant. He definitely was the stand-out performer in the movie, and all the little Australian jokes were well received by most of the audience.
The movie was more star-studded than I was previously aware. In addition to the headliners of Ben Stiller, Jack Black and Robert Downey Jr., it also featured Matthew McConaughey, Nick Nolte, and Tom Cruise amongst others.
Keep an eye out for the start of the movie, which was awesome, but I can't really say any more without spoiling ;).