As we enter the last few days of summer '07-'08, I really have to say that, at least meteorologically, this has been one of the best summers that I can remember.
Now i'm sure that the folks down south (who experienced ridiculously hot weather (40C+)) and the folks up north (who were flooded repeatedly) will disagree, but at least in Brisbane, this summer has been absolutely fantastic.
It really hasn't been that hot at all, which for our sub-tropical climate is almost quite unheard of: i can remember only 2-3 nights all summer that I had to turn the air-conditioning on because of the heat.
Also, this summer saw a fantastic result for the previously critically low damn levels: the fantastic rain in the past few months has seen a quite unprecedented inflow into the dams of nearly 20%. Whilst the situation is still worrying, it's no longer critical for the time-being.
So all in all, this summer in Brisbane for this indoorsy person has been great. Here's hoping for a similarly cool season next year. That being said, autumn better not screw me over...
Edit: oh, and for the first time since this site began I have changed my photo on this blog and the 'About Me' page. That one was actually taken sometime in the past 6 months :).