Although this weekend was one planned for another one of work, unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately?) all the plans for our big projects fell through once again. So that means that I've had a normal two-day weekend this weekend, which is fantastic, but of course the other side of the coin is that the work has piled up even more and it might mean Christmas break work.
Anywho, i've played through the 'campaign' of UT3 these past few days, which means that from now on it's all online/multiplayer stuff, which recently has had me getting totally pwned.
I did have an awesome session on it today playing the warfare matches, i even managed to get an 'Ultra Kill' after mowing down many people in a row with a manta hovercraft. My kill-to-death ratio at the moment is pretty poor at 78:103.
I started playing Mario Galaxy today, and tonight i played my last game of indoor for the year, but i think i'll leave the blogging of that until tomorrow night.