Day 13 of NaBloPoMo 2007
Nothing much happening today, so i'm going to go with one of my pre-prepared topics.
It's happened several times now over the years: people that i've just met remarking that I have a (usually) American accent, and asking where in North America am i from.
I don't really get it, i'm born and raised here in Brisbane, and I don't think i sound at all American. Especially when i was at uni at the start of a semester of tutorials, a fair few people tagged me as an overseas American student.
Just a few weeks ago, the guy doing the gardening here at the unit asked me which part of Ontario (a Canadian province) i was from. Weird.
I think i must pronounce certain words in a slightly North-American accent that confuses people sometimes...
I get that all the time, it's so annoying!
Although my pet peeve at the moment is people assuming that because I order a taxi from a school, I must be a student...I have long hair and that's a private school, people!
although it's probably our own fault, since we've let our television channels show near-purely american stuff for the last 20 years, and most of us grew up with sesame street...
I've always thought your were Canadian or North American just from your ramblings on this blog. :oP