The weekend of distraction went well. I've reacquainted myself with Unreal Tournament 2004, playing online against the people on the Bigpond GameArena onslaught demo server. I'm actually doing better than I expected against the other people on it, and darn it's fun to play again.
It's also good to actually see the fruits of my beast-building with the performance on Trogdor absolutely rocking.
The other game that has fulfilled my distraction needs is the first season of the new Sam & Max game. The original Sam & Max Hit the Road from LucasArts was the first game that our family ever got on CD-ROM (for $120(!) in 1993), and is still one of my most favourite memories in gaming.
I was so excited when LucasArts announced a sequel a few years back, and then so disappointed when they cancelled it. Thus when Telltale Games announced that they were developing a new Sam & Max project, i was relieved.
The result was a foray into episodic gaming (a series of short games released frequently with an overarching storyline). However i prefer to play most of the game at once, so i've waited until the end of the season and bought the whole thing.
I played the first two episodes (of six) of season one on the weekend, and overall i love Sam & Max. However the guy they got to do Max's voice doesn't sound right, and Max definitely needs to be more violent... hehe