I promised a life-blog-entry, so here it is.
For the past week I had really been looking forward to the Aussie Easter weekend that we've just had. Up until this year i've never really appreciated these two public holidays. During school and uni the Aussie Easter weekend had always been a convenient time to catch up on assignments, essays, study and alike, so I never really saw it as anything to look forward to.
Working full-time this year, the two public holidays which create this wondrous 4-day weekend are an amazing opportunity to relax and catch your breath.
I, on the other hand, have spent a big slice of the weekend staying up to insane hours of the mornings re-tooling this blog. Although it looks the same as the previous version, I started from scratch with a totally new script appropriated from Jonathan Beckett's Plugged Out website (my old blog script was based on this script anyway).
I estimate that over the weekend I have spent about 25-30 hours on re-doing the blog, which in hindsite collectively totals to over a whole day. Quite amazing. This week I go back to work, and attend Church every night for our Holy week leading up to Easter.
For those who don't know, Orthodox Easter is worked out using a different calendar than the Western Churches, and thus for most years occurs on a different date (although some years they do coincide). I don't know why, but my recollection over the past x years is that Orthodox Easter generally occurs after the western Easter (please correct me if i'm wrong).
Anywho, this year our Easter falls one week after western Easter, which means two things: one, we have just started our holy week; and two, it's good timing because we get to save big-time on buying Easter Eggs in the immediate post-Aussie-Easter sales.
In other news, I have finally gotten my broken mobile back from the insurers, who have repaired it to the tune of roughly $75. I still have had no reply from Samsung to the letter i wrote them after my phone was broken.
Now that I have the phone back, it confirms my view that the plastic casing supposed to protect the LCD is very much inadequate. If I push on the screen even gently with my thumb, the screen easily bends inwards and I can get it to make contact with the LCD underneath with not too much force at all. If I push harder I could no doubt crack the LCD again. Bad phone design if you ask me, but i'm no expert.
This explains how the LCD managed to get cracked without even a scratch on the screen or me dropping it. Something must have happened to it while it was in my pocket: brushed/leant up against something, possibly carrying my bag on that side...
Anywho, the apparent lack of response from Samsung to my letter has left me not too happy with them. I had hoped for a reply at least along the lines of "we're sorry about the situation, but our procedures clearly state blah blah blah". Confirms my 'never buy a Samsung again' philosophy. Looks like my next phone will be back to a Nokia.
Hey Lucas - have you seen Highbury park is auctioning off a whole lot of Arsenal stuff, including tiles from the dressing room?! Check out the site - apparently a few things are being sold on there before the auction.
Meanwhile - GO CHELSEA!:D
Yes I have been very tempted to buy something. I can buy one of the seats and get it shipped here for 30 pounds (~AUD$75).
Very very tempting...
That is a good price, speaking of good price I like storm clouds. PS I'm liking the fact that you have image verification now, its cool.
I bet Samsung get that a lot. Oh well, you can always ask for your old phone back.
30 quid isn't bad at all! Although if that's through Royal Mail, there are never any guarantees it will turn up!
30 pounds including delivery was too tempting for me to resist.
I'll be getting my Highbury seat just after August 🙂
lol @ soccer-geekiness
Hehehee, wicked!! What do you propose to do with it?
Good win last night by the way. Fingers crossed for Chelsea, we're playing Man U on the weekend!
I wouldn't have have a clue! I was thinking of getting is framed or something (we only get the seat and back), but i'm not sure if it'll be too big for that.
pfff you got no worries, Chelski's (spelling on purpose ;)) practically already won the thing.
I'm hoping Arsenal go all the way in the Champion's League, but i'm holding back my blog entry until the end of the semis.
Man U are going to do Chelsea 2-1