
The thoughts, opinions, happenings, and just plain ramblings of a seemingly boring person.

The week ahead

We now have passed the 7 day marker ahead of the wedding on this Saturday. Before we get to that, I might as well recap on stuff that has happened this past week.

Me showered in paperThis past week was my last week at work, and I wrapped up most loose ends and ended getting a lot of stuff done that I didn't really expect to work through. Just before I left on Friday, the lovely girls from reception showered me with confetti acquired from the document hole-puncher (see the pic on the right).

That night we went to Andrew's place for a small celebration of his birth. I had a great time and ended up leaving at around 4am. I quite enjoyed it, because for the first time I actually won at poker!

On Saturday night we went to Church and afterwards went out to dinner and farewelled Emmanuel who tomorrow is heading down to Sydney to begin his theological studies. All our prayers are with him.

So. The next 5 days. Should be interesting.

Breaking up sentences. By full stops. Can be. Quite. Annoying.

Anywho, we sat down today and at least attempted to inject some order and organisation into what needs to be done over the next 5 days (i.e what we know needs to be done and a logical day and time to do it).

Writing down on each day what we needed to do reminded what I used to do for my exam blocks in school and uni. I used to plan out what I would be studying on each say and how much I had to study ahead of each exam.

Because i'm not working any more before the wedding I should have a bit more time to blog. So look forward to a frantic and angst filled few days ahead of what will be, so far, the one of the biggest days of my life.

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