Today was was a really busy and hectic day at work, probably the worst I have faced so far. Why? Today was the day that we changed phone systems from the old PABX one to the new Mitel IP phones, and plus I was the only full-time IT Support guy in the Brisbane office, as the others had gone to Sydney for the day.
I arrived at work to the lovely screeching sound of UPS alarms to find the servers being out of power and basically all computing systems down, including the phones. The UPS had kicked and safely shut-down all the servers. After a short panic we fixed the power problem by replacing a suspected faulty power-board, but we'll never know if that was the true cause as the storm last night, as that as well as Energex consequently restoring parts of the network to power might have also explained the problem.
After we got the servers (and the new phones) back up, the rest of the day saw me basically running around the entire 3-level office building dealing with new phone troubles, general IT support issues, and even a computer that had a significant amount of water dropped on it as a result of downpipes overflowing from last night's torrential storm.
Needless to say, I am completely buggered and will sleep well tonight.
Yesterday I went to Despina's work's Christmas Party. Straight from work I went to the suit place and finalised my own suit fittings for the wedding. I was hoping to make it back into the city for the party to beat the approaching storm that I was aware was rapidly approaching.
Unfortunately, I got caught in the storm as I was going through East Brisbane, and the deluge of rain forced me to pull into one of the side-streets and stop, as I thought conditions were way to dangerous to continue. I sat out the storm for about 15-20mins and after that It largely settled down and consequently disappeared really quickly, that by 6:30 there was sunshine and blue-sky just before sunset.
Now for a bit of advertising. Over the past few months you might recall that I have been designing a website for a friend's business. Well that website has been made live (although a few minor touches do need to be made), and everyone can now view it in all its glory.
The business is Nick's startup PHOTOshare, and the website is at Go have a look, and comment on the design of it here if you would like.