Not been up to too much lately. Just work and sleep.
One thing that I have found beneficial at the place that I work, is that they have a few Apple computers that I use fairly often (well, only 2, and one Apple multimedia server). I have never really had any experience using Macs before, so I have enjoyed learning something new.
I've got to say that they aren't as bad as I thought they were. In fact, they're actually quite good and have really grown on me. Don't get me wrong, there is no way that I'm going to go and convert over to Apple anytime in the near future (I say 'near' because you never know what might happen).
I was considering buying one of the new Mac minis, a cheap and tiny budget Mac computer that runs Mac OS X and comes without a monitor or keyboard for $800. I thought I could hook my the other PC computer or laptop with the Mac on a switch so that I could easily change between computers using the same keyboard and monitor without unplugging anything.
However, that might be a fair bit off, as i'm saving up most of my money for another special event 😉