Uni marks for semester 2 2004 were just put up on SI-net. (The results do not become 'official' till the 1st)
Well this semester I surprised even myself. I've always said that I get the best marks when i'm convinced that i have a significant chance of failing a course, and this semester was no exception.
Below are my marks for each course this semester (and for COMP3804, the whole year):
COMP3804 Advanced Information Technology Project
Grade: 6
For regular readers of this blog, this was the penultimate year-long IT course that I have been whining about for the majority of this year.
If you recall, my grade was capped at a 5 as a result of the marks I achieved on the exam after 1st semester. They later changed the rules so that it was possible for me to achieve one grade higher (6) if i got the grade for a 6 (i.e. 75%) plus 5%. So that meant i had to get 80%+ for me to get a 6. I must have got that for me to have received a 6 for this course.
I am highly satisfied with this result considering the amount of crap i had to wade through the entire year to get it. Now that I think about it, if I got 80%+ to get a 6, without the grade-capping, i could have possibly achieved a 7! I guess we'll see when they release our final marks, but i'm not complaining...
COMP2502 Algorithms and Data Structures:
Grade: 7
This was the course that I was paranoid of failing because of the whole "you must pass the exam to pass the course" catch. Again as mentioned above, it seems that the courses that I am most paranoid of failing that I do really well in.
Another Kevin Gates course, this was my pet-hate course for this semester. Therefore, I am absolutely delighted with this 7.
HIST2606 History of Warfare:
Grade: 6
I'm slightly surprised by this result, because I had already passed the course prior to the 30% exam and thus I did a really poor effort in that particular piece of assessment. Very happy with that.
INFS3200 Advanced Database Systems:
Grade: 7
This is probably the result that I am most satisfied with, mostly because this is my chosen speciality in my IT degree. I wasn't quite sure how I did on the 60% final exam, but judging from this grade I must have got 48/60 or higher. Extremely happy with this one.
So my GPA for this semester is 6.5 if you spread the COMP3804 grade over the whole year (because it is worth two subjects), or 6.4 of you count COMP3804 as purely a 2nd semester course (which is not quite correct because it wasn't, but i think this is how it is displayed on my Studies Report).
Either way, this past semester is easily the most successful semester (grade-wise) that I have completed in my four years at university, which in my opinion is probably because this semester was the most pressurised.
They better not change by the time they become 'official', but that has never happened (and better not...).
Those are some kick arse grades.
hopefully the same is for me this semester, cause i think that i have done the s**test semester, so hopefully it will turn out to be the best! Highly unlikely though
Thanks a lot.
good luck with your results, i'm sure you'll do ok