Just got home after completing my last exam for the year. This morning was the COMP2502 (Algorithms and Data Structures) exam which I have been (not so silently) dreading over the past month or two.
It was a bit easier than i had expected. Out of the 32 multi-choice questions I was mostly positive that i answered at least 18 correctly, and the rest i made an educated stab at.
Here's my calculations for what i think my result for exam is, assuming that i was 80% correct with the ones that i'm pretty sure i got right, and say 25% correct with the ones i mostly guessed. (there were 5 possible solutions, but for most of them i was able to eliminate at least one).
80% x 18 = 14 (rounded)
25% x 14 = 4 (rounded)
Total: 18/32 (~56%)
Gee, that's pretty close to a fail. Hopefully i pulled through, I guess we will see in a few weeks.
Now that i'm holidays, i've got a fair bit planned to do. Now i've got no excuses to stop me from touching up my resume and applying for some work experience. Probably try to squeeze in a site update as well...
You mean to tell me that 60% of the course was made up of a lousy 32 MCQs? - Why not flip a coin instead.
last year's exam was actually only 20 questions!
which poses the question, why are you calling yourself Lon?
Why are you calling yourself Lucas??
that one exam was 60% of the course?
and the 40% that you have done is not enough to give you a few marks lee-way?
*shrug* a/s
Con - ummmm, because that is my name? Why 'Lon'?
Andrew - i'm a bit scared because we have to pass the exam to pass the course. Assuming i do pass the exam i get at least a 5 because i already have around 37 out of the remainding 40% from assignments etc
ooh. that's gotta hurt.
griffith is so much kinder (as in 'kind-er', not as in '-garden'). hence why i was not stressing about my exam last week. _at all_.
hehe. Not all courses are like that: actually the majority aren't. Just these really annoying ones.