
The thoughts, opinions, happenings, and just plain ramblings of a seemingly boring person.

PD-Day T – 3 days and counting.

Yes, the day is coming. After beginning the journey way back in March, on Friday is the PD-Day (Project Demonstration-Day). After all the year's work, (and more than a fair share of bitching and complaining on this blog) it mostly all ends on Friday. My group is presenting our final product on 9:30am this Friday. One years worth of work we have to cram into one 25min demonstration, which is the only way our program is assessed as we do not actually submit the program itself to be marked.

This demonstration is worth 20% of the year-long course, the single biggest assessment item second only to the exam that was in June. Our group is mostly done, the programmers are making me a bit nervous with a few fairly big things that still need to be finished, but i'm confident that they'll get it done. We still have to work out our agenda for the demonstration.

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