This week was the last teaching week for Semester 1 2004. I really can't believe how fast it has gone. I think it was mainly the project that made it feal like just one big blur of a semester. Next week is of course SWOTVAC (as a side note i can't remember what that actually stands for...), and i still have one more assignment to hand in, which is the INFS3100 Assignment 4, which is on, ironically enough, designing a system of classification for my university assignments.
Of course i'm the middle of doing that right now, and thanks to a very kind person on the course newsgroup, i have recently become aware that it is due on 9am of that day. I was planning to hand it in that afternoon...
After that of course it is exam study time, which in previous semesters i haven't taken too seriously. This semester is another matter altogether, as have the hugely important COMP3804 exam as well as a history exam thats worth 60% of the course. Lets hope i don't get distracted...
Swot - to study all-but ceaselessly.
Vac - short for vacation.
Swotvac - to have a week off to study all-but ceaselessly.
at grifftafe it's called study week, btw.
< >
yeah, it's called both at UQ.
I've also heard the 'swot' part referred to as Study WithOut Teaching, but after looking up swot in, you are correct.
Thanks for the enlightenment!
i also thought that it stood for Study Without Teaching, but i'll take both your words for it.
on a related issue, i only have 1 exam!!!!!!
i can beat that. one 30% take-home exam. for a subject i've already passed. as Lucas says, it's really shocking motivation...
*grumble grumble* no fair >:(
that's what you get for a) doing four subjects, b) in a real degree, c) at a real university
all your fault, no sympathy 😛
lol true, true.
oo was that a multiple choice question?
they usually put in, just to confuse everyone even more:
d) none of the above
e) all of the above
no no, not multiple choice. in logic speak, it was 'A & B & C'. it would be impossible to also have '& D' AND also '& E'.
btw, where'd you disappear to tonight?
uh yes i did realise that it wasn't a mc question, but the lettering lended it to my exam-infused total failure at attempting to insert a joke. (Public apologies)
Me and Despina wanted to leave quickly last night because we were so darn hungry.
so hungry you refer to something as a mcquestion. strange boy. :P`