
The thoughts, opinions, happenings, and just plain ramblings of a seemingly boring person.

Last Ever Assignment & Lucas 1 – Library 0

Went into uni as normal today to attend my HIST2602 lecture and tutorial. What was not normal was that after the tut finished at 1, I went straight to the labs to complete my COMP3501 (HCI) assignment with my partner for that assignment. After about 2 1/2 hours of working we finally finished it and submitted it.

It was then that i dawned upon me: 'hey, this is my last ever assignment'. Having already submitted all other in-semester assessment this was my last assignment this semester, and thus assuming that I pass all my courses, my last ever assignment of my long 16 1/2 year academic career. Then it dawned upon me: 'hey, next week will be your last ever week of classes'.

I know it sounds odd, but these two revelations were actually a little depressing. Uni has been a huge part of my life for my recent history (4 1/2 years and thus almost a a quarter of my life), and this really marks the passing of an age, one which I have for the most part enjoyed.

So after this week I only have my last three exams, and then that's it for uni (again assuming that I pass all my courses).

on another slightly-related note, If you recall, my last entry detailed my recent tussle with the library about a book. It seems that I have emerged victorious! The status of the book in question recently changed from 'CL RETURNED' to 'AVAILABLE', which means that they must have found it. Lucas 1, Library 0.

In recent sporting news, Liverpool amazingly won the UEFA Champions League final this morning, coming from 3-0 down at half time to level the game 3-3. They eventually won 3-2 on penalties, marking a quite remarkable comeback for the underdogs.

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