
The thoughts, opinions, happenings, and just plain ramblings of a seemingly boring person.

The Bribie Site is Live!

Screen Capture of Bribie WebsiteFinally, about three months after i've completed the main design work on it, the Bribie Island website that I've designed, implemented, and hosted is finally live on the internet.

Have a look at

To be honest, i'm quite happy with the design. I think it conveys the right ambience for what the site is for, as well as it being totally 100% valid XHTML and CSS.

Let me know what you think of it!

In testing the websites I develop, I always make sure at least the main look of it is functional across a number of web-browsers. The ones I definitely make sure to test are Firefox (of course ;)) as well as Internet Explorer 6 and 7. If I have time, i also like to test on Opera and also Safari.

Now that our main home computer is running Vista, it means that I am now unable to test Internet Explorer 6 (because Vista only runs IE7). Here is another situation for virtual machines to shine: to solve the IE6 testing issue i've set up a Windows XP SP2 virtual machine specifically for testing websites with IE6.

Work-wise, this is the last week of work before I take a week's break next week. I can't wait, i'm really looking forward to the time off.

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