
The thoughts, opinions, happenings, and just plain ramblings of a seemingly boring person.

Youth Conference Wrap-Up

Continuing on from my previous entry on the beginning of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia's 9th National Youth Conference, on Saturday and Sunday the Conference had it's final days.

On Saturday we went down to the Gold Coast and at St. Anna's the conference voted on some spectacularly general resolutions that even the most hypercritical person would find difficult not to vote for. After that we went to lunch at Ashmore's, which like last time, failed to impress me with the food.

After that we went on a boat trip from Marina Mirage up to Sanctuary Cove. On the boat Nic introduced us all to the fantastic game of table-top coin rugby which I thoroughly enjoyed playing.

Despite living in Brisbane, i've never been to Sanctuary Cove before. I don't really see what all the fuss is about, it just seems like an overpriced shopping district for the super-wealthy. Maybe it's just me, but I thought it was rather boring and snobbish. After queuing up for ice-cream we took the buses back to Brisbane, most of us being quite tired.

After getting back in Brisbane Des and I hurried home to get ready for the Saturday night Liturgy. There were many more people there than usual: a few people from the conference came and it seemed to be a pretty big night for memorials as well. Rather than have more greek food at the Greek Club for dinner, a few of us went down the the local Chinese/Vietnamese restaurant and had a very nice banquet. Being way too tired to attend the 'Greek Night' dance thing of the Conference, Des and I decided to head home.

Sunday morning we went to Church for the Liturgy and ordination of the now Fr Nicholas into the priesthood. The Church was almost as packed as at Easter time, and we had to stand outside because it was way too hot and cramped to be inside and we also manned the bookstore. The ordination marked the end of the Conference, which I have to say that I very much enjoyed even though the resolutions and actual 'conference' stuff were somewhat inconsequential.

Our photos of the weekend are now up in the Gallery for viewing. People should have received the new username and password to gain access to the gallery. If you haven't please email me and i'll send it out. Also if there are any people from the conference that are first-timers here, please send me an email or leave a comment here with your email so I can send you it too.

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