
The thoughts, opinions, happenings, and just plain ramblings of a seemingly boring person.

No fillings! & GPAs

Went to the dentists today, which was my first check-up and clean in over a year. I usually go every six months but this past year I just haven't gotten around to it. It is normally the case that at each 6 month check-up i get at least one filling, so I was expecting today, after not going in over a year, i would require multiple fillings.

To my, and also the dentist's, great surprise i needed none, which I was very pleased at because I would not say that I have been taking exceptional care of my teeth in this past year.

Today my results also became official, which I am very happy with. I keep my own record of my academic activity at uni for each semester, and in doing the one for this past semester, i realised that this is the first semester ever that my GPA (Grade Point Average) has actually increased.

For the first year my GPA was a constant 6, and after that it has been steadily going down ever since. At the end of semester 1 this year it was 5.62, and after this semester it has gone up to 5.74.

I feel as though my arts degree has sort of dragged my GPA down a bit. I do not try nearly as hard in my Arts course as i do in my IT courses, and thus do not get (comparatively) as good grades in my Arts degree as I do in my IT degree.

So on my r?sum?, since I am applying for IT work experience, i wanted to distinguish my IT GPA from my Arts GPA. I expected a difference, but I was still surprised by the amount of difference when I actually calculated it: my IT degree GPA is 6.33, and my Arts degree GPA is 5.07.

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